Law Office of Randolph E. Daar

Office Phone: 415-986-5591
A Graduate of New College of California School of Law, Randolph Daar has been practicing law for over 40 years. His practice is 70% criminal defense, and 30% civil rights litigation, focusing on police misconduct and abuse of authority.

Professional Organization Memberships
National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, National Lawyers Guild, National Association on Police Accountability, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, and The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Areas of Practice

Criminal Defense: Mr. Daar has represented criminal defendants in state and federal court throughout the United States.  He’s handled cases from the most serious (death penalty) all the way through minor possession cases.  He has litigated federal drug trafficking cases in California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, South Dakota, Montana, Texas, Florida, New York, Georgia, Illinois, and Louisiana.  He’s obtained acquittals in some of the most difficult cases, including a death penalty case in Florida. He has handled the largest marijuana distribution case in United States history (800,000 pounds of Marijuana; not guilty 2 out of 3 counts).  He’s handled cases involving both state and federal wire taps, has dealt with a variety of fraud, assault, and drug distribution charges.  His criminal practice includes successful jury trials, as well as successful motions to suppress, and/or dismiss, and negotiated dispositions.

Since becoming a lawyer in 1979, he has successfully represented well over 1,000 satisfied clients.  He is a unique combination of an aggressive litigator and an expert negotiator.  He prides himself on honest communication with clients and accessibility both to him and to a full understanding of the law and all legal strategies employed on behalf of the client.

In criminal matters, his initial consultation is free; during which time the potential client will receive Mr. Daar’s full attention and be given an accurate perspective of the possibilities facing the client in that case.

Civil Rights Litigation: Mr. Daar has been engaged in an active civil rights practice for the last 30 years.  He has represented victims of police abuse including wrongful death cases, wrongful imprisonment, excessive force, and illegal searches.  He has sued police departments, sheriff departments, California Department of Corrections, the D.E.A., the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, and United States Customs.  He has been successful in obtaining millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for victims of police abuse.  On behalf of chemical companies, he is twice successfully sued the D.E.A. for interference in their business.  He was part of the largest wrongful imprisonment settlement in the history of San Francisco (See Goff v. City and County of San Francisco).

Medical Marijuana: Mr. Daar has been involved in opposing the war on drugs since his practice began in 1979.  He has been representing persons charged with marijuana crimes since prior to its legalization.  He was involved in representing the original Cannabis Buyers Club which formed the genesis for Proposition 215.  Since the passage of Proposition 215, Mr. Daar has been actively involved in advising and representing persons throughout the state on the legality related to medical marijuana.  He has developed and expertise in formation of medical marijuana collectives and has helped dozens of collectives form throughout the State of California.  He has presented medical marijuana defenses successfully in multiple counties throughout the state.  He has developed expertise, including documentation, for compliance with medical marijuana law.


Significant Example Cases

Full Acquittal in a Death Penalty Case, The Largest Marijuana Trial in U.S. History, Acquittal in Confession F.B.I. case, Two Civil Rights Cases featured on “60 Minutes,”

“A Lawyer’s Lawyer”. Represented Attorney J. Tony Serra in the Northern District of California and
legendary Attorney Stanley Cohen in the Southern District of New York.

Closing Argument in U.S. v. Thi Van Do (PDF)

1983 Closing Argument in Pohahau v. San Mateo County (PDF)

2005 Sentencing in U.S. v. Serra (PDF)

2013 Sentencing in U.S. v. Hassan (PDF)

Sentencing Arguments in U.S. v. Marlon Sullivan, CAND 14-CR-196-10 (“Shrimp Boy” case), 2/24/16

Court Admissions

Admitted to Practice:

West Palm Beach, Florida
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
U.S. District Court, Oregon
U.S. District Court, Washington
U.S. District Court, Florida
U.S. District Court, So. Dakota
U.S. District Court, Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court, Idaho
U.S. District Court, Montana
U.S. District Court, Texas, Western District

U.S. District Court, Nevada
U.S. District Court, Utah
U.S. District Court, Minnesota
U.S. District Court, Arizona
U.S. District Court, New York, Eastern and Southern Districts
U.S. District Court, Louisiana
U.S. District Court, Missouri, Eastern District
U.S. District Court, Tennessee, Eastern District
U.S. District Court, Wisconsin, Eastern District
U.S. District Court, Macon, Georgia, Middle District

Videos with or about Randolph E. Daar